Thursday, October 14, 2010

Alcohol making Otago researchers insane

Does that title strike you as insane, then you have not heard anything yet. Wait for some serious research. Some researchers at Otago University are claiming that alcohol is too cheap because of wage growth. They simply accept the assertion that cheap alcohol equates with higher consumption. Incredibly, they also argue that alcohol is cheaper than 'bottled' water. The implication being that kids are more likely to drink alcohol than bottled water. If you take that logic to its final conclusion, we are all inclined to drink from the tap heads at public toilets rather than buy alocohol from expensive up-market bars. But all that context is ignored.
This research sinks to new levels of laxative indulgence. Too much research is based on simply correlation. This is far worse. This research makes arbitrary assertions based on spurious evidence.
Might a make a more pertinent research finding. Academic research is far more likely to be crap because the people who funded it were disempowered by governments and forced to 'unconditionally' forfeit funds for research and other activities, even though the community and government had no interest in the findings. Government was simply interested in the 'appearance' of doing good, and researchers were only interested in the appearance of doing something worthwhile. Why? All collectivist political regimes are not interested in facts, only relativist comparisons which keep them in power. I guarantee you will not find an academic interested in researching that premise. Don't worry....just look at the results of their work... There is plenty of empirical evidence...particularly if you look into climate change 'science'.
You will not hear governments criticise academics, just as they will not criticise the church, or the media. Its all very cozy.

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